"Who Is Charlie? stands out from all that has been written on the two massacres that took place in Paris in January 2015. It is an impressive analysis and a gripping read - I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. Emmanuel Todd's concern is not merely to trace the cause of these crimes but to reflect on them as a way of understanding the structural contradictions of contemporary France - a nation that continually invokes its Jacobin legacy (liberty, equality, fraternity) and yet allows that legacy to be undermined. This book is a brilliantly argued polemic and essential reading for understanding Islamophobia as a symptom of neo-Republican France in crisis."
Friday, September 25, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Asad's 'Thinking About Tradition, Religion, and Politics in Egypt Today' in print
'Thinking About Tradition, Religion, and Politics in Egypt Today' which was published online in 2013 is now printed in the latest issue of the Critical Inquiry.
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
'On Suicide Bombing' in Arabic: عن التفجيرات الانتحارية
عن التفجيرات الانتحارية
تأليف: طلال أسد
تاريخ النشر:01/01/2008
ترجمة، تحقيق: فاضل جتكرسعر
الناشر: المركز الثقافي العربي
Türkçe'de Talal Asad
Talal Asad'ın Türkçe'deki Tercümeleri
Bibliyografyaya katkıda bulunmak isteyenler
sk3560_at_columbia.edu adresine yazabilir
'Bir İslam Antropolojisi Fikri'
Folklor / Edebiyat 22, 2000 - çev. Ali Murat Yel / aslı
'Modern İktidar ve Dini Geleneklerin Yeniden Biçimlendirilişi' Saba Mahmood'la röportaj
Tezkire X: 20, 2001, sf. 117-134 - çev. Hatem Ete
'Çokkültürcülük ve Britanyalı Kimliği: Rüşdi Olayının Ardından'
Tezkire 43-44, 2006, sf. 13-45 - çev. A. Tekin / aslı [Dinin Soykütükleri, 7. bölüm]
'Antropolojik Bir Kategori Olarak Dinin İnşası'
Milel ve Nihal IV: 2, Mayıs-Ağustos 2007 - çev. A. Tekin / aslı [Dinin Soykütükleri, 1. bölüm]
Sekülerliğin Biçimleri: Hıristiyanlık, İslamiyet ve Modernlik
Metis Yayınları, 2007 - çev. Ferit Burak Aydar / aslı
'Muhammed Esed’in oğlu Talal Asad ile Mülakat'
Dünya Bülteni, 22 Ağustos 2007 / aslı
Antropoloji Ve Sömürgecilik
Ütopya Yayınevi, 2008 - çev. Ayşe Karınca
'Terörizm ve Haklı Savaş Üzerine Düşünceler'
11 Eylül: Tarihsel Dönüşümün Analizi, ed. A. Babacan, Pınar Yay. 2011 - çev. Selim Karlıtekin / aslı
'Din ve Siyaset Arasında Muhammed Esed'
Umran, Ağustos 2012 - çev. Selim Karlıtekin / aslı
İntihar Eylemleri
Eskiyeni Yayınları, 2012 - çev. Fuat Aydın
Dinin Soykütükleri: Hıristiyanlıkta ve İslamda İktidarın Nedenleri ve Disiplin
Metis Yayınları, Şubat 2015 - çev. Ayet Aram Tekin / yayınevi
'Müslümanlar Ne Kadar Batılı?' Hasan Azad'la mülakat
Umran, Mart 2015 - çev. Elyese Koytak / aslı
Eleştiri Seküler midir? Küfre Girme, İncinme ve İfade Özgürlügü
Açılım Kitap, Mart 2015 - çev. Mehmet Fatih Biçici / içindekiler
Talal Asad Üzerine Türkiye'den Okumalar
Ayşe Polat, 'A Comparison of Charles Taylor and Talal Asad on the Question of Secularity', İnsan ve Toplum II: 4, 2012: 217-230
Sekülerliğin Biçimleri üzerine
Ayşe Çil'in incelemesi; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 1:3, 2012, 416-22
Amed Gökçen, “Hıristiyanlık, İslamiyet ve modernlik içinde sekülerlik”, Agos, 15 Şubat 2008
Özkan Öztürk'ün incelemesi, İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi 23, 2010, sf.172-8
Dinin Soykütükleri üzerine
'Talal Asad gramerine giriş' Ömer Faruk Peksöz, Yeni Şafak 16.4.2015
Eleştiri Seküler midir? üzerine
Murat Güzel'in incelemesi, Star Gazetesi 16.5.2015
Süreyya Su, 'Bir İmkan olarak Eleştiri', Zaman Kitap, 3.6.2015
Thursday, September 3, 2015
'Is Critique Secular?' in Turkish: Eleştiri Seküler midir? (2015)
Edited by Wendy Brown, Is Critique Secular? became a cornerstone of secularism debate and gained in importance since the Hebdo affair.
Its Turkish edition 'Eleştiri Seküler midir? Küfre Girme, İncinme ve İfade Özgürlügü' is published by Açılım Books in March 2015. Translated by Mehmet Fatih Biçici and partly by myself, Selim Karlıtekin.
Genealogies of Religion in Turkish: 'Dinin Soykütükleri: Hıristiyanlıkta ve İslamda İktidarın Nedenleri ve Disiplin' (2015)
A personal note:
Genealogies of Religion's Turkish edition has been in the making for a long time. Its copyrights were held by Vadi publishing for 10 years, even after they went bankrupt their editor was insistent on not enabling others have the book. As an editor working for Açılım Books, I tried to have it published by 2012 yet JHUP said they can't help -they were supposed to contact us if rights were to become free. They did not and finally the time ran out and Metis Books, who already had Formations of the Secular, published Genealogies by February 2015.
'Dinin Soykütükleri: Hıristiyanlıkta ve İslamda İktidarın Nedenleri ve Disiplin' is translated by Ayet Aram Tekin and edited by Savaş Kılıç. In the Turkish title Discipline and Reasons of Power are reversed in order, which is no good. Plus, 'reasons of power' refers to raison d'etat in that regard 'iktidarın nedenleri' (causes of power) falls short of the art of the letter.
What bothers me besides the title, I haven't read the translation, is the editorial universe of its publisher: Metis published numerous sh***y Olivier Roy books, Meddeb and many others that Asad has been writing against. How these books make sense together in that mishmash is beyond me.
Praise for Sullivan et al.'s 'Politics of Religious Freedom' (2015)
"The principle of religious freedom, central to the liberal politics of the modern world, is increasingly becoming an object of critical reflection. This collection, edited by four distinguished scholars, is a welcome contribution to this important topic. I have learnt something from each of these thoughtful essays. Everyone interested in recent debates on secularism will benefit from reading them."
Praise for Scherer's 'Beyond Church and State' (2013)
"A brilliant contribution to the study of secularity, offering a new perspective on what has become a tired debate about political-religious separation. In inviting readers to rethink secularism as a 'religious' conversion - as rooted in the past and yet ruptured from it - Matthew Scherer has written a thought-provoking book of great originality. Beyond Church and State is essential reading for anyone who wishes to engage in serious public discussion on the topic."
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